Project Cycle Management Lessons – What is Problem Analysis?

Project cycle management; It can be examined in 6 basic stages: determining the idea of ​​the project, design and formulation of the project, finding resources, implementation, evaluation and dissemination. Project cycle management is a method developed to get maximum efficiency from the project where the priorities of stakeholders, interested parties and target audience are planned. Being able to apply the project cycle management technique is important for problem analysis, target analysis, strategy analysis, stakeholder analysis, activity planning and budgeting on the basis of the Logical Framework Approach in terms of the stability and objective success indicators of the project.

In this article, we will examine the problem analysis of the first phase of project cycle management in detail. Every project emerges from a need and this need is defined as a problem. The title determined as the problem; It can also be defined as the difference between the current situation and the desired (must) situation.

The problem identified on the basis of the needs analysis should be determined at a meeting with potential stakeholders. Active participation of potential stakeholders during the meeting is important in establishing the hierarchy of problems.

Problem analysis steps;

– Determining the main problem and brainstorming on the main problem

– Addressing the main problem identified at the top in the problems hierarchy

– Examining the main problem and stakeholder relationship

– By creating a cause-effect relationship, placing the cause-results in the problem tree diagram visually

– By defining sub-problems under the basic problem, the main reasons that cause the problem are revealed.

Sample Problems in Projects;

During problem analysis, the problem tree should be transferred to the image as causes, sub-causes, and consequences resulting from the main problem. What is important at this stage; all participants express their opinions and convey the ideas in a simplified way. Because the problem analysis process, which is not managed well, may create a negative effect by creating complexity during the preparation phase of the project. As a result of the problem analysis, it will also be useful to text the texts placed on the problem tree as a plain text in terms of reporting the meeting.

Author: Gökhan Turgut Ünal

European Union Project Coordinator

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