What is a Chance Card Chancenkarte Germany? Today’s topic is not about my unfortunate adventures in Germany. It is a topic to give an idea to the people who still want to come to Germany and settle down here despite all my warnings.
Do you want to come to Germany?
Probably you do! Otherwise, why do you follow my blogs? You might be desiring it for a long time or it might be a very new idea in your mind nowadays. Thus, you want to learn more about how is life in Germany from an immigrant’s perspective and you are following my German blog series named “The Examination of a Turkish with Germany” to have an idea of how we manage life in Germany. So, you are actually in the right place. Also, the German government has good news for you!
How can you come to Germany?
Actually, there are so many ways to do it. Probably the most popular one is coming here with a student visa as I also did it. So many people also prefer to come directly to work here rather than applying for any educational program. Of course, it is popular too and more than well-accepted by the German government because the German economy needs more and more workers each and every passing day. Moreover, it is also true that the German economy depends on foreign labor because of the demographical and sociological realities of the country. Hence, you can come and work in Germany.
Which kind of jobs you can do in Germany?
When it is time to think about which kind of jobs you can do in Germany, everything is quite complex. Germany generally needs some blue-collar positions to be filled. Also, even getting a blue-collar position is not so easy because you high probably need at least some level of German for being hired.
What is the difference of “Chancenkarte” from other coming opportunities?
Previously, Germany was generally inviting potential blue-collar employees as I said in the previous paragraph. However, “Chancenkarte” aims to have more skilled foreign employees within the borders of Germany. Of course, you still need to fulfill some conditions to get it.
For example, you should be a “skilled” professional in your specialty to get the opportunity card for skilled workers.
What are the prerequisites to get “Chancenkarte”?
According to the news in Deutsche Welle, you need to provide at least three of the four following conditions:
Having an accredited foreign degree,
Having professional experience of at least three years,
Having sufficient language skills or a previous stay in Germany,
Being under 35 years old.
Can you apply for “Chancenkarte” only with English?
In the conditions to apply for “Chancenkarte”, it says you should have “language skills”. Until now, it is not directly mentioned whether you should be able to speak in German or English is also acceptable for sufficient language skills. However, I want to remind and warn you one more time that even if you get the “Chancenkarte” only with English, your chance to find a (good) job only with your English will be always less than a person who can fluently speak German under German labor market conditions.
StudyIngram Editor