We the Youth Hackathon’s goal is to strengthen youth organizations to be more inclusive, effective, and collaborative as well as look for ways to advance social change and address the needs of vulnerable youth. The hackathon aims to increase the civic participation of youth so that they can be better informed about political processes and be effective agents in policy development. By empowering young people to be politically active, it serves to equip them with tools and resources to keep politicians accountable and follow up on their promises.
The hackathon is organized by ATÖLYE and the The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in partnership with The Youth Peer Education Network (Y-PEER) and International Institute for Youth Development PETRI-Sofia.
Why are we doing this now?
We live in an age of tumult and uncertainty. Rising economic inequality, a rapidly changing climate, growing xenophobia, an unforgiving virus sweeping across communities—the challenges humanity is facing are too difficult to overcome with traditional methods and systems and too complex for any single person, organization, or nation to navigate alone.
In the face of this growing adversity, we have a 1.2 billion people-strong source of hope: the youth.
We the Youth Online Hackathon will bring together young activists and youth organizations to address the following questions:
How can youth organizations become more inclusive, effective, and collaborative in mobilizing young people and addressing youth issues with a focus on disadvantaged youth?
How can young activists influence decision-making on issues affecting young people?
What can young activists/youth organizations do to influence sustainable development agenda?
health, education, immigration, unemployment, stigma & discrimination, youth participation & leadership
The Showcase and Engagement Day will connect the participants with decision-makers and key stakeholders from the public and private sectors as well as actors from the youth activist network. During the event,
Young people will present their ideas and hacks to stakeholders and obtain guidance from them;
Participants will have a chance to raise the visibility of their ideas and mobilize potential support;
Selected hacks will receive financial support to assist participants in furthering their ideas and turn them into projects.
Italy Torino ESC European Solidarity Project -
Italy Short Term ESC European Solidarity Corps -
Italy Milano ESC European Volunteer Project -
Netherlands Amsterdam ESC Volunteer Project -
Germany Berlin ESC Volunteer Project Fully Funded -
Germany Berlin Erasmus+ Training Course -
Portugal 5 Days Erasmus+ Training Course -
France 1 Week Erasmus+ Training Course -
Call for Participants Spain Festival Academy -
Spain Barcelona ESC Solidarity Project