Education in France
Studying in France
Bonjour mes chers amis! Today we will talk about France’s education system. So what do we know about France? France is the 4th country among the powerful countries in the world. Also, France has a great success in terms of manufacturing. To give an example, I am sure most of you have heard about airbus planes, high-speed trains (TGV), Ariana rocket, fashion and luxury products, and so on. In all the success and science, we cannot ignore the fact that there are so many women and men who are coming from abroad for education and have a contribution. Nowadays there are 200.000 students who prefer France for their education. Those students enrich the culture of France and create a different atmosphere in France.
Higher Education
There are lots of different kinds of universities in France. The education system can seem complicated for students who are foreigners but the students can use this for their benefit. Because thanks to the system, you can choose the university which suits you the best. Unfortunately, in France, the lessons are taught in French but in some universities (not too much) lessons can be taught in English as well. Before going to France, you should learn French at least in level B2. This will make it easier for you to communicate with people and understand your lessons better.
Types of Universities
Most of the universities are public in France. For foreign students, there is a fee that you should pay every year. However, if you can find a scholarship or you apply to the university for a scholarship, you don’t need to pay for it. Also, the best universities are in Paris and as you already know it’s one of the most expensive cities in France. So maybe you can search for the other side of the country. Do not forget to look at the ranking. Click the link for ranking in 2020. Because if you decide to give so much effort to study in France, you should be sure that it will be worth it. Also when you are at a university you can work in a company. Some private universities allow you to do an apprenticeship and in that way, the company pays your university fees.
Les Grande Ecoles
These are the pinnacle of the French education system; students get in by competitive examination (Concours), the institutions are relatively small, and classes are small too. Many of the teaching staff in “grandes écoles” are professionals or else academics from neighboring universities, who do extra teaching at rates well above the hourly rate paid in universities.
Equivalence between diplomas
Sometimes, the diploma that you will get in France may not be valid in another country. So when you choose a university, you should have your career plan. Maybe after studying in France you will decide to go back to Turkey to do a master’s degree. Some universities will not count your credits for your master’s degree and it can change all of your plans.
When you should apply to universities?
In France, the registration fee is changing from university to university but mostly for public universities, the prices are between 300 and 1500 euros. However, for engineering universities, the price is more between 600 and 2000 euros. Of course for private universities, the prices are different.
Also, there are food prices, rent, health insurance, and living expenses. As I mentioned before if you decide to live in Paris, you should have a big budget. For example in Paris, the rent for just one room is 500 euros. Before choosing your city and university, you can search on the internet or get in contact with a person who lives in that city. So you can guess your expenses and choose a university and city that fits you better.
Government Scholarship
The majority of French Government scholarships are awarded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Also, there are approximately 22 000 students covered with scholarships annually. There are 2 types of scholarships:
- Scholarships awarded within the frame of existing collaborations between foreign governments and our French Embassies.
- Excellence scholarships such as Eiffel programs.
Campus France
Campus France is an institution that was constructed by the French Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The goals of Campus France are to introduce the French education system and help students to come to France for studying.
In Turkey, Campus France has a place in the French Institution in Taksim. Because of covid, you cannot go there to take information but you can send a mail. They are so helpful and help students to answer their questions. Also, if you want to apply to university in France you have to do it with Campus France. They are correcting your documents and helping you with it. You can go to the website by clicking it.
If you have any questions or suggestions, don’t bother to get in contact with us!
Sevgi Bayraktar
StudyIngram Editor