Spain Salamanca EVS ESC

Receiving Organisation: ETL Don Bosco

Place: Rúa Belvís 2, 15703, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Activity dates: 15th January 2022 14th January 2023 (12 months)

European Youth Portal


Description of the organisation

The Don Bosco center counts with two main entities: Escola de Tempo Libre e Animación Sociocultural Don Bosco, it is focused in training activities in the social field and leisure time, and Centro Xuvenil Don Bosco, that has a full and global offer of activities, which its main target is to educate in values through the leisure time to children and youngsters of the neighbourhood, the city and closer areas.

Furthermore since 2000 the Escola de Tempo Libre Don Bosco is a receiving, sending and coordinating organisation for EVS and Voluntary Projects of the European Solidarity Corps.

The most common activities carried out in the Centro Don Bosco in Santiago for children and youth from the neighbourhood are: play room(Espazo Lúdico), school support (Máis Que Apoio Escolar), library, crafts, leisure time groups for children and youngsters, magosto(chestnut feast), Christmas activities, carnival, Youth centre’s feasts, neighbourhood’s feast, urban summer camp(Bosco Verán) for children, information office and voluntary and youth counselling, diffusion activities for the Erasmus+ Programme and European Solidarity Corps.


Tasks of the volunteer:

The volunteer will collaborate with the staff and other volunteers, contributing own initiatives and resources of own culture, in:


The volunteer will live in a flat, sharing it with other volunteers or students, in a single or double room. Furthermore the flat provides all items necessary for living: a washing machine, heater, blankets, iron, dishes, internet,  etc.

The organisation will cover the expenses of the flat (rent, supplies,…)


Expected learning outcomes & Youthpass


Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Bulgaria, Belarus, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Georgia, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Moldova (Republic of), Montenegro, North Macedonia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Russian Federation, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Turkey, Ukraine

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