Scholarship eligibility requirements are established by the organizations funding individual awards, but students looking aid specifically reserved for Asian American university education should expect to encounter some universally expected attributes. Most scholarships require applicants to be:
- Of Asian heritage
- S. Citizens or qualified permanent residents
- Enrolled in accredited colleges and universities within the U.S.
- In good academic standing
Asian-Americans most likely identify with one of the following ethnicities:
- Asian Indian
- Bangladeshi
- Burmese
- Cambodian
- Chinese
- Filipino
- Guamanian/Chamorro
- Hmong
- Indo Chinese
- Indonesian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Laotian
- Malaysian
- Maori
- Marshallese
- Micronesian
- Native Hawaiian
- Nepalese
- Okinawan
- Pakistani
- Palauan
- Samoan
- Tahitian
- Taiwanese
- Thai
- Tongan
- Vietnamese
- Yapese
Bruce Lee Scholarship
Award: $5000
It is awarded by U.S. Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce. From $2,500 to $5,000 annually, non-renewable. Scholarship money will be paid directly to the applicant’s college or university towards the cost of tuition. The scholarship must be used towards paying for courses on-campus; online courses will not qualify.
Web Site: https://uspaacc.com/
Freeman Asia Scholarship
Award: Up to $3000 (summer); $5000 (semester); $7000 (academic year)
Students must bebe a US citizen or permanent resident with minimum 2.8 GPA. They should have little to no previous experience in the country in which he/she plans to study. They have to spend 8 weeks in one of the listed countries such as China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam
Web Site: https://www.iie.org/freeman-ASIA
Enterprise Holdings Scholarship
Award: $5000
It is another scholarships which is awarded by U.S. Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce. $2,500 to $5,000 annually, non-renewable. The scholarship must be used towards paying for courses on-campus; online courses will not qualify. Approximately one award offered annually. The total number of scholarships awarded by USPAACC annually is 10 to 20
Asian Pacific American Association ASPIRE Program Scholarship
Award: $500
The Asian Pacific American Association ASPIRE Program Scholarship is available for students at Evergreen Valley College. You must have completed at least nine units with the minimum GPA of 2.0 and be a current ASPIRE student to qualify for this award.
Colgate ‘Bright Smiles, Bright Futures’ Minority Scholarship
Award: $1250
This scholarship is available to U.S. students who are studying in a certificate or associate’s program for dental hygiene and are professional or student members of ADHA. Students must be an underrepresented minority in the dental hygiene profession (e.g., African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, and males).
Asian Pacific Islander American Staff Association Scholarship
Award: $350
The Asian Pacific Islander American Staff Association Scholarship is open to Asian Pacific Islander students who have completed at least 12 units at San Joaquin Delta College and have a minimum 3.5 GPA. You must submit a one-page statement reflecting your personal character and at least one letter of recommendation from an instructor in your major to be eligible for this award.
Web Site: https://apiascholars.org/
Wildermuth Asian – Technology Endowed Scholarship
Award: From $1,000 to $3,000
The Wildermuth Asian – Technology Endowed Scholarship is available to full – time students at Graceland University. You must be a citizen of an Asian / Pacific Rim country and have declared a CSIT major to be eligible for this award.
Web Site: http://csit.graceland.edu/cs/wil_scholarship.php
Against the Grain Artistic Scholarship
Award: $1,000
The Against the Grain Artistic Scholarship is available for the high school seniors and full – time college students of Asian and / or Pacific Islander ethnicity. You must be continuing a major in visual arts, journalism, and or mass communications and have a at least 3.0 GPA to be eligible for this scholarship. You must also show leadership abilities through participation by, extracurricular or other activities.
Web Site: http://againstthegrainproductions.com/our-causes/scholarship/
Asian American Architects and Engineers Association Scholarship
Award: $5,000
The Asian American Architects and Engineers Association Scholarship is available to full time students in good academic background and currently enrolled in one of the these majors such as architecture, engineering, landscape architecture, planning and urban design or constructio. You must also be a student member of aaa/e. You must also be a U.S. permanent resident or U.S. citizen and show involvement in service to the Asian / Pacific Islander community.
Web Site: https://aaaesc.org/foundation_student_scholarship
Bill Caspare Memorial Fund Diversity Scholarship
Award: $10,000
The Bill Caspare Memorial Fund Diversity Scholarship is available to full – time junior, senior, and graduate students who are African – American, Asian American, Hispanic American, Native American, multiracial, or part of the LGBTQ community. You have to be interested in new media , digital advertising, data science, and you need minimum 3.25 GPA to apply this for this award.
Web Site: https://financialaid.wsu.edu/scholarship/the-visto-bill-caspare-memorial-fund-diversity-scholarship/
Asian Heritage Law School Scholarship
Award: $1,000
The Asian Heritage Law School Scholarship is available for the students enrolled at an accredited law school. You must be of Asian heritage you have a minimum 3.0 undergraduate GPA to eligible for this award. An essay is also required for application.
Web Site: https://www.infinlaw.com/scholarship/
Asian American Women’s Alliance
Award: 4 awards of $500
The Asian American Women’s Alliance Scholarship is available for the female Asian – American students. It is required to submit the following materials: completed application form, transcript, resume, personal statement and a letter of recommendation from a principal, teacher, professor, employer, or co-worker.
Web Site: http://new.aawalliance.com/
Armstrong Scholarship – Cornell College
Award: $16,000
The F. Armstrong Scholarship is open to entering freshmen at Cornell College who contribute to diversity of campus.
Web Site: https://www.collegexpress.com/scholarships/f-armstrong-scholarship/2009804/
Vaughn Scholarship for Students of Color
Award: $1,000 – $4,000
The Vaughn Scholarship for Students of Color is available to African – American, Asian American, Hispanic, and Native American students at Nebraska Wesleyan University. You also show financial need to be eligible for this award.
Web Site: https://www.nebrwesleyan.edu/admissions/financial-aid-office/vaughn-scholarship-students-color
Li Ching Fellowship Fund
Award: Varies
The Irving and Ina Markowitz Prize in Asian History is open to students at Hofstra University who have demonstrated outstanding performance in Asian history.
Dr. Chee-Mok Chan Scholarship
Award: Varies
The Dr. Chee-Mok Chan Scholarship is open to students at California State University – Bakersfield. You must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and show financial need and evidence of campus and community involvement to be considered for this award. Students of Chinese/Asian descent are especially encouraged to apply.
Kiran and Pallavi Patel Scholarship in Medicine
Award: Varies
The Kiran and Pallavi Patel Scholarship in Medicine is available to students at the University of South Florida College of Medicine. You must demonstrate financial need to be eligible for this award. Preference is given to South Asian students.
Melisa Altun
Studyingram Editor