Russia, where more than half of its population has university degree, is a country with a rich and rooted education system for many years. Russian universites educate students who are experts in every field so these universities rank at the top oft he international lists every year. Also education in Russia is much more proper than in America and European countries. Russia hosts hundreds of students from 170 different countries every year. If you are planning to study in Russia, you should check out our guide.
Russian universites offer an educational option which we accustomed to system in Turkey. First of all, type of education that requires your full participation in the lessons during day, secondly evening education option where you can study in the evening on weekdays and the daytime on the weekend and thirdly the type of part-time education option. With this option you go to school for exams only without having to go to school.
Whether your goal is bachelor’s degree, a master’s or a doctorate, we have compiled for you the state universites which rank high in the ranking oft he best universities in the country that Russia has announced every year.
- Lomonosov Moscow State University
Founded in 1755, Lomonosov one of the oldest and rooted state university in the country and hosts approximately 47 thousand students within Moscow State University. The main campus oft he university located just outside Moscow where ist he capital of Russia, ist he largest educational building in the world. And the Lomonosov Library ist he largest library system in Russia. The university in the highest rank especially in linguistics, mathematics, pyhsics and astronomy.
- Saint-Petersburg State University
It was founded in 1724 under the name of Saint-Petersburg Science Academy and today ist he oldest state university in Russia. This institution which provides education more than 30 thousand students, about 3 thousand of whom are foreigners, is also a member oft he Coimbra Group, which includes well-established European universities, which are of great importance in the international community. This year’s list ranks high in linguistics, mathematics, philosophy, modern languages and history.
- Novosibirsk State University
Founded in 1959, Novosibirsk is one of the youngest state universities in Russia. It is also known as the science center of Siberia, located in the city Akedemgorodok which is 20 km from Novosibirsk. With ist 13 faculties and 6 thousand students, it is physically smaller than other universities in Russia’s list but it is among the best in the world with its fields of physics and astronomy.
- Bauman Moscow State Technical University
This institution which is the oldest and biggest technical university in Russia, has 19 different departments and trains world-class experts espacially in the engineering and applied science departments. Also Bauman Moscow Technical University offers accommodation for 3 thousand students each year in their own dormitories. The top part oft he university in the ranking is mechanical engineering.
- Tomsk State University
Founded in 1878 and started to provide education in 1888, Tomsk State University is the oldest university in the Asian region of Russia. Today with ist 165 master programs, 23 faculties and 17 thousand students, it is at the top of the list especially in physics and astronomy departments.
- MGIMO-Moscow State Institute of International Relations
This University, which was founded by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was previously affiliated with Moscow State University, but in 1944 it became and institution that specifically trained students for international relations career. It entered the Guinness Book of Records with ist lessons in 56 different languages that you will not find in any other university in the world.
- Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology State University
Founded in 1946, this university educate experts in many departments, especially in modern science and technology. Although it seems small today with 5,600 students and 11 faculties, 8 of the professors within ist organization have a Nobel Prize.
- National Research Nuclear University (Moscow Engineering Physics Institue -Mephi)
Founded in 1942 as Moscow Mechanical University, this university is one of the most respected technical universities in Russia today. As ist very name signifies, it is especially focused on the nuclear industry, physics, engineering and mathematics. However, with the Nobel Prize winning academicians, they have been developing their programs in the departments of economics, humanities and foreign languages with both their investments and studies.
- Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
This University, located in St. Petersburg, is one of the largest universities in the Russia with almost 31 thousand students. St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, home oft he country’s largest hydro-aerodynamic advanced research laboratory, also includes a total of 20 research centers where it works with leading technology giants such as Microsoft, Apple and Siemens.
- National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE, Moscow)
At the bottom of our list is HSE Moscow, a young university founded in 1922. As it is understood from the name of this institution that won a title of National Research University in 2009, it educates specialists mostly in the department of economy but also in social sciences, mathematics and computer science.
So, How Do You Enter These Universities?
The first thing you have to do ist o decide on the university you will go to in accordance with your future plans, and then the department. When making your choices, you should also consider areas of education, city and language of instruction.With more than 896 universities in 85 different regions, you can study undergraduate, graduate and doctorate or just language in many cities from Moscow to Vladivostok.
Application deadlines begin in April and end in the 2nd week of September. The earlier you apply, better for you!
If you want to apply without a consultant company, you need to create an account on the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science, which has the option of English, Spanish and French. You make your applications through this account. There is also a system that helps you choose universities and programs on this link. After choosing the degree and department you want to study, it provides you with other information such as which universities the programs ara avaliable, program prices and education times. Since the admission process is separate from each university, you can get detailed information from the university you want to apply to after you are directed to ist site. The first thing you need to do for your application process is certify your high school diploma for undergraduate education and all the diplomas you have for your master’s and doctorate education(legislation). Turkey is a member oft he Hague Society fort he governorship of this process a little easier for your district or apostille of documents(approval) you need to take.
Documents generally requested are as follows:
- 10 passport size 3×4 white and matte backgrounds portrait
- At least 2 years passport
- AIDS test
- Original of apostilled diplomas
- Your apostilled transcripts
Since the language of instruction is Russia in the mojarity of universites, a language document is also requested from you. If your level of Russian is not enough, each university offers 1 year of Russian preparatory education to foreign students. Although there are not many universities that teach English for undergraduate education, this chance is higher in higher education programs If you wan to study English, you have to take the TOEFL or IELTS exam regardless oft he degree of education you will take. Since the score required by each University is different, you should examine the conditions determined for the department you choose especially from their websites. Also, depending on the university you are going to and your academic background, you may be asked to entert he university entrance exam or interview.
The fees of each university are different and you need to review them on their site. However if you need to give average figures to create an idea in your mind:
-Approximately 120-140 thousand Rubles, 1.5-2 thousand Dollars per year for undergraduate education.
-Approximately 160-180 thousand Rubles, 2-2.5 thousand Dollars per years for master’s degree.
-Approximately 200-220 thousand Rubles, 2.5-3 thousand Dollars per year fort he PhD.
Scholarship Opportunities
Although studying in Russia is more economically comfortable compared to Europe and America, getting along as a student is always a problem. We have compiled a few oft hem for you!
- Government of Russia Federation Scholarships
It is a state scholarship worth 1,300 rubles that Russian Federation gives to about 15 thousand students each year.
- The School of Russian and Asian Studies (SRAS)
It is usually a scholarship given to Amrican students, but you can try your luck.
- BP in Russia Research Scholarship
It is a scholarship whose value is 15-35 thousand rubles per month, provided that one oft he contracted Russian universities is trained in an energy or economy related field. They also consider the student’s grades.
In addition, each university has scholarship opportunities for foreign students and you can find detailed information and the required conditions on their website.
Visa Procedurs
Russian student visas are usually for 90 days. Ypu can extend your visas by going tot he visa department of the university where you will study 20 days in advanced. You should pay attention to this situation, otherwise you may be in a state of leakage and be deported.
Documents required for visa are as follows:
- Your passport
- Your invitation from the school after acceptance
- Visa form
- 2 white background passport size portrait
- AIDS test
You should always contact authorized institutions for exact information.
Health Insurance
Health Insurance is compulsory for every foreign student who comes to study in Russia. The health insurance fee can be 6-11 Rubles and depends on the selected insurance programs. All universities have emergency and general medical care rooms.
Accomodation options for students in Russia are usually university dormmitories, rental apartments or staying with a family. According to your budget, it would be good for you to do the pros and cons of these options before going to Russia.
Dormitories , which are the most preferred option, are generally located close to university campuses. The rooms are for 2 or 4 people and each dormitory has shared areas such as kitchen, fitness room and laundry room. Dormitory features, facilities and prices are different for each university but average monthly fees are 150-500 Rubles. If you have a dormitory option in the online form you will fill in when applying tot he university you must fill in it or you should contact the university directy.
If you want to rent an apartment or a room, we have to remind you that apartment prices vary from city to city. For example, in Moscow or in St. Petersburg is about 30-35 thousand Rubles, the price of a room can be in the range of 1500-2000 Rubles. In other cities these prices are generally much lower. Also, you will be asked to pay a deposit and real estate agent for renting an apertment/room. If you want to search for apartments online, you can use these sites;
If you want to stay with a family, you should also contact your university.
Life in Russia
After taking care of all the stressful and annoying process, you finally went to Russia! Now i would like to share a few small pieces of information that will be useful to you as you begin your new life there.
- Residence Permit
The first thing you need to do in the first 7 days you land in Russia ist o fill out the Immigration Card Form, which you cand find on the plane, train or airport for your residence permit and contact your university. Then you need to get your residence permit by going tot he immigration office with the offical documents you receive from your university.
- Work Permit
It is much easier to work as an international student in Russia since 2014. First thing you have to do is to go to the immigration office and get a work permit. If you work and get caught without your work permit, you are at risk of fines and even deporttation.
- Transportation
If you are going to study at any university on condition that it is full-time, you can benefit from discount card that can be used in public transportation by paying 350 Rubles per month.
- Climate
Most oft he cities in which people live on the territory of Russia are found in the temperate climate zone, although in general, when we think of Russia, almost too cold weather. For example, in Moscow, winters are down to -9 degrees while summers are 19 degrees. There are also central heating systems in personal homes or public building. In public transportation , heating systems are used throughout the winter.
- Expenses
Although expenses vary according to your personal standards and the city you visit, we can explain the average monthly expense of a student in Russia as follows:
- Accomodation 5,000 Rubles
- Meal 10,000 Rubles
- Transportation 380 Rubles
- Internet 800 Rubles
- Personal 4000 Rubles
- Total 20,180 Rubles- 282 Dollars
Living in Russia is much easier economically. Russia has also nothing less cultural aspects than European cities. Student life is generally very active, wherever you go, you can find concerts, festival, sports and parties.
We hope we were able to assist you with this article.
Sıla Polat
StudyIngram Editor