Model European Union is an inclusive learning experience for youth that simulates EU decision-making and fosters personal and professional growth. The 2021edition (MEUS 2021) takes place online on 24-26 September and 2-3 October 2021.
The main purpose of the conference is to allow its participants to become acquainted with decision-making and law-making in the European Union, in particular with the ordinary legislative procedure, which involves both the European Parliament and the Council of the EU on an equal basis. During the conference, participants play the roles of the Ministers of the EU Member States, Members of the European Parliament, interest representatives, journalists and interpreters.
During MEUS 2021, participants will be discussing the following topics: a European Green Deal and a Digital Europe.
Specifically, the two topics debated at MEUS 2021 are:
- a proposal for a Regulation on the Just Transition Fund (see 2020/0006(COD)); and
- a proposal for a Regulation on Preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online (see 2018/0331(COD)).
Who can apply:
– Young people from 18 to 27 years old, from all over the world.
– Participants need to have have at least an intermediate (B1) level of English.
Participants selected for MEUS 2020, which did not take place due to the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, are also eligible to participate in MEUS 2021, even if they are older than 27 years old during the conference.
– Member of the European Parliament (MEP),
– Minister of the Council of the European Union,
– Journalist,
– Interest representative,
– Interpreter.
Participants may choose up to two different roles from the five proposed and submit a motivation letter for both their 1st and 2nd choice.
There is no participation fee or deposit required to participate in MEUS 2021.
Deadline: 7 August 2021, 23:59.59 (CEST).
Find out more: http://www.meu-strasbourg.org