The Examination of a Turkish with Germany: German Citizenship Conditions
A few days ago, a news report caused a lot of excitement among many migrants living in Germany because the German parliament is currently discussing the possibility of some changes in the process of acquiring German citizenship.
What are the current prerequisites for becoming a German citizen?
Currently, a person who wants to become a German citizen should reside at least 8 years in Germany. Also, before getting a citizenship, having a B1 level German language certificate, taking an integration course and passing the exam of this course is a must. However, there are more serious issues related to German citizenship, which mainly bothers Turkish migrants in Germany.
Can a person hold another citizenship after getting German citizenship?
Unfortunately, Germany does not allow dual citizenship because of potential conflicts of interests. This situation is a huge barrier for most of Turkish citizens who want to get German citizenship but at the same time do not want to lose his/her own identity. On the other hand, EU and Swiss citizens can have dual citizenship with a German citizen ship. In addition, since some countries like Afghanistan, Argentina, Brazil, Iran, Iran, Cuba, Lebanon and Mexico do not allow renunciation of citizenship, citizens of these countries can benefit from dual citizenship when acquiring German citizenship.
What will be the new prerequisites of getting a German citizenship?
In these days, the German parliament is debating whether to open the way for everyone to enjoy dual citizenship. Moreover, there is a discussion of reducing the minimum period of stay in Germany to become a German citizen from 8 to 5 years. Another controversial issue is the possibility for immigrants who have been living in Germany since the 1960s to obtain citizenship at a German language level lower than B1.
How will migrants react to the good news?
All this is good news for many immigrants living in Germany, especially Turkish immigrants. In 2021, only 132 thousand people became German citizens. However, the number of those who met the 8-year residence requirement for citizenship was more than 5 million 7 thousand. Especially, a great decline has been observed at the rate of naturalization of Turkish people in recent years. For example, 82,900 of the 186,700 people who naturalized in 2000 were Turkish citizens. On the other hand, in 2021, only 12,200 Turkish citizens became German citizens out of 131,600 people.
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Do you like the new developments about German citizenship prerequisites?
What is your opinion? Do you like the recent developments about German citizenship prerequisites? Would you become a German citizen if the fresh developments are accepted? Would you do it if the current situation does not change? What do you think about losing your current nationality to get a new one? Please share your ideas with us in comments section!
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