Call of Participants – training on conflict analysis and nonviolent conflict transformation – ‘Roots’ France 1 Week Erasmus+ Training Course
2-9 December 2024 | Evian-les-bains, France
This training is all about giving youth leaders like you the skills to transform conflicts into opportunities for positive change. You’ll learn how to handle tough situations, promote dialogue, work towards the culture of peace i your community and inspire others to work towards a more peaceful and inclusive future.
If becoming a peace-builder and building community by using non violence and other peaceful tools has been something you always dreamed about — this is an opportunity for you!
APPLY France 1 Week Erasmus+ Training Course
We are looking for:
- 18–35 year old (if you are a youth worker — apply no matter of your age range)
- who is living in one of these countries: Poland, France, Spain, Belarus, Germany, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Portugal (you don’t need to hold passport of those countries, you need to live and travel from there)
- Youth workers or youth leaders that work with youth in their communities
- people active as trainers or educators in non–formal education, especially within youth organizations and associations
- young people who believe in peaceful changes in their communities are passionate about issues facing their community
- people with experience or interest in conflict resolution or transformation, human rights, peacebuilding and youth work
- able to communicate in English (this the language of the trainings)
- ready to commit to take part in the 6-days-training & to run local workshop that will be a follow-up of the training.
Participation fee
Accommodation and food
We believe in one thing, the power of peace education and the right for all to have an opportunity. That is why, thanks to the ERASMUS+ scheme, we are able to provide this training for you for FREE. This means we will provide acccommodation and food.
Travel reimbursement
France — 100 euros;
Germany, Poland, Kosovo, Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belarus, Portugal — 275 euros;