ID Talks
8 September – 3 November 2021 | Online (Zoom) , Belgium – FL
How can differences become a source of learning rather than conflict or prejudice?
This is a key question “ID Talks” want to help individuals and organisations to reflect upon and try to answer. After the successful first edition in the autumn of 2020 and the second edition in Spring 2021, we are continuing the “Embracing Diversity” series by organizing the Autumn edition and bringing to your attention new topics and new speakers.
“ID Talks” is a series of 5 online workshops on 5 major topics in the promotion of Inclusion & Diversity (ID) and quality youth work. It features youth workers, professionals and volunteers, from all over the world to share insights, research findings, food for thought, good practices or inspirational stories. They will guide participants through the pressing matters and challenges affecting Inclusion & Diversity and inspire them to make their programmes and organisations more inclusive, embrace human differences, look ahead and picture how the future of youth work and Inclusion & Diversity might be.
Each workshop begins with the input from a guest speaker. After, participants have the opportunity to engage in the discussion, ask questions, and share about their own realities and experiences.
Every other Wednesday, at 1 PM CET, from 8 September until 3 November. Check the FB event here!
- 8 September (1 PM CET) > ID Talks Race: The motto of our European Union is: ‘United in diversity’. Th en why is the struggle for racial equality not over, and seems that it is just starting now in many places through important, big movements, like “Black Lives Matter”? What is racism and how can youth work address it? Guest speaker: Mohamed Barrie, City Pirates, Belgium
- 22 September (1 PM CET) > ID Talks LGBTQIA+: Social acceptance, and sometimes even the lives of LGBTQIA+ people are still jeopardised in many countries in the 21st century. How to get a more sensible perspective and fluid take on gender and sexual orientation? How to make these taboo topics talkable and could they be addressed in (international) youth projects? Guest speaker: Dani Prisacariu, Gender Talk, Romania
- 6 October (1 PM CET) > ID Talks Class: Almost no one speaks about class anymore, and it seems, it is something left to history or marxist literature. Why so? What does class mean to you? How classes influence and shape young people’s lives? How do we create an offer that is attractive, but also accessible to all young people? Guest speaker: Falko Blumenthal, Union Secretary, Industrial Union IG Metall, Germany
- 20 October (1 PM CET) > ID Talks Gender: Gender as a multi-layer social construct, but in public discourse it is often diminished to the individuals’ physical traits. How do society’s standards and expectations impact our self-image? Why are these standards gendered? How to address body awareness, body image and identity in youth work, especially in the age of digitalization and social media? Guest speaker: Tony Lashden, Belarus/Sweden
- 3 November (1 PM CET) > ID Talks Diversity: We strive for equality in our societies, but do we appreciate the diversity that comes with it? Why should we talk about diversity? Why to embrace it? How to harness our unique perspectives, pool our collective intelligence to tackle the greatest challenges of our age? Why and how diversity strengthens any team or organisation, what personal applications does it have? What that means for young people and youth work? Guest speaker: Rahel Aschwanden, Instituto Now, Brazil
For whom?
Youth workers, youth leaders, professionals, and volunteers involved in ID in the EU youth programmes, as well as all those interested in youth work and Inclusion & Diversity topics.
Main objectives:
- To provide food for thought and learn from inspirational ID stories;
- To provide an opportunity learn about ID topics from the youth work sector and beyond;
- To get information, inspiration, methods to help the youth sector address ID;
- To inform about and contribute to quality (international) youth work;
- To identify and learn how to tackle existing and future challenges within ID;
How to register?
Fill in and submit the registration here!
IMPORTANT NOTE: although there is a deadline, it’s always possible to register at any time for the sessions that will still take place.
All registered participants will receive a link to the Zoom meeting a week before each session takes place.
Your kind of training?
Application deadline (24h UTC): 7 September 2021Date of selection: 8 September 2021
Training overview
This E-learning is
for 40 participants participants
from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries , Other countries in the world
, Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU
and recommended for
Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches, Youth researchers
Accessibility info:
This activity and venue place are accessible to people with disabilities.
Working language(s):
SALTO Inclusion & Diversity Resource Centre (SALTO Resource Centre)
Contact for questions:
Participation fee
There’s no participation fee.
Accommodation and food
Not applicable – you can bring your own snacks and drinks
Travel reimbursement
Not applicable – the sessions are online