Training Course
11-18 December 2020 | Cyprus
The challenges that young people are facing are entering a dynamic era that requires youth-led responses and the activation of young people.
The narratives on active citizenship and youth participation have supported European but also international youth work not only with evidence-based conclusions but also with a diversity of guidelines, proposals and practices. Even though numerous tools and initiatives, such as Youth Forums, Digital Platforms and customized youth projects under Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps, have been introduced over the last years with an overarching goal to encourage the active participation of young people in civic society, the reality is still disconcerting, signifying that there is a lot to be done to increase the representation but also the engagement of young people. Unfortunately, specific youth groups’ needs are lacking the attention (e.g. youth with fewer opportunities, NEETs, youth not involved in political parties), and young people of those groups lack the necessary support to engage and advocate.
The aim of this Training Course, which targets the needs of young people, teachers, youth leaders, youth workers, coaches, municipalities, NGOs, CSOs and sports clubs is to transfer the understanding of the importance of leadership and initiating principles within youth participation in order to support young people in becoming effective drivers of change within their local, national and European communities.
To achieve this, the project has set up the following objectives:
– To navigate into recent updates and increase interest of youth in participation and active citizenship;
– To explore different forms of leadership and their place within youth work and youth-led projects;
– To transfer competences and learn new tools applicable in the topic of leadership and participation;
– To inspire through successful examples of youth-led participation initiatives;
– To showcase “alternative” leaders operating in a wide realm of fields;
– To offer the space for peering, networking and collaborating.
Application Deadline: 22 November 2020
Due to the pandemic condition, the training has a duration of 8 day (11th to 18th of December) within which participants will follow 5 morning ZOOM sessions (9:30 to 13:00 Central European Time) and an asynchronous activity (at their own pace within the programme, expected to be a maximum of 1 hour per day) through the SALTO, moodle-based, platform of HOP.
The methodology of the training is the result of the principles of non-formal and experiential learning, enriched through collective and peer learning and enhanced with the use of user-friendly, interactive and fun digital and online learning and collaborating tools. We are certain that the approach of the trainers team and support they can offer, will allow the smooth and active participation of both advanced and new online/digital tools and platforms users.
This activity is for 25 participants including young people, youth workers, youth leaders, coaches, and representatives of municipalities, NGOs, CSOs and sports clubs who already or plan to actively support youth-led activities aiming at a social impact and would like to increase and enrich their understanding of an updated and multidimensional perspective over youth participation and leadership.
We expect full participation in the training course, so please study attentively this call and the activity programme.