The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), based in Parma, Italy
is opening positions for
(All Units and Departments)
Deadline for applications:
8th January 2021 at midnight (local time)
Is this Traineeship for me?
Are you a young graduate looking for a challenging experience in a stimulating, dynamic and multicultural working environment? Are you looking for a meaningful opportunity to better understand how an EU Agency with an extended network of stakeholders works? Would you like to play an active role in protecting 450 million of citizens from food-related risks?
Then look no further and apply for a 12 months traineeship at EFSA!
As a trainee, you will have a rich first-hand experience in an EU Agency, taking part in diverse activities and supporting significant projects, together with our staff and partners. Seize the opportunity for a rewarding and challenging experience!
Your key objectives
Under the supervision of your traineeship adviser within the unit of assignment, you will have the opportunity to:
- Get a first-hand experience into the work of a scientific EU Agency, developing new competencies and skills in line with your personal interests and professional aspirations;
- Contribute to the overall objectives of the unit by supporting in drafting documents and reports, handling scientific and/or administrative work, and ensuring timely communication of outcomes;
- Contribute to specific projects and activities with new ideas and innovative solutions;
- Contribute to the planning and monitoring of the unit’s activities;
- Participate in several trainings which will help you grow professionally.
You will play an active role in an organisation that makes a difference to the lives of 450 million EU citizens.
You will also be part of a great network. Every year, we select more than 70 trainees who join EFSA to work with more than 500 staff members as well as highly qualified and independent scientific experts engaged in our Scientific Committee and Panels and Working Groups.
Every position within EFSA plays an important part in creating an inspirational environment in which to work and develop.
EFSA’s standards and values are driven by ethics and integrity and all staff is expected to act in a manner consistent with its principles, including fairness, transparency and impartiality in work practices and conduct towards other people.
Furthermore, you will be joining EFSA at an exciting time as we prepare for the implementation of the Transparency Regulation: EFSA will expand its mandate and grow considerably over the next few years.
To find out more about EFSA, visit us at www.efsa.europa.eu.
What we offer
Life in Parma
Parma is a lively city of around 200.000 inhabitants located in the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna and ranked as one of the most liveable cities in Italy. Its centre is rich in art, with architecture from different periods and several parks. Parma is famous for its food, surrounding picturesque countryside and medieval castles. It is strategically located between major cities like Milano and Bologna and within reachable distance from ski resorts, seaside and mountains.
As an EFSA trainee, you will be part of a lively and energetic team of young people organising many different social and cultural activities.
The selected trainees would receive a monthly grant of €1,170. For more information on benefits and working conditions please consult the ‘Decision of the Executive Director of EFSA on traineeship at EFSA’.
Selection procedure
EFSA applies a policy of equal opportunities and does not discriminate on any ground.
The selection is based on the comparison between eligibility criteria and candidates’ competencies, with due regard to an appropriate balance of nationality and gender.
A Trainee position is offered on the basis of the business needs of the organisation and budget availability.
Please note that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, remote onboarding may be requested during the first months of the traineeship. In addition, under these exceptional circumstances, EFSA could propose an extension of the traineeship period for up to 6 months to selected trainees.
Steps of the selection procedure
- Candidates apply electronically via the online recruitment tool (selecting 2 areas of interest in order of preference). Candidates can update or withdraw their applications at any time until the closure of the Call.
- Applications are screened against the eligibility criteria defined in the Traineeship Call.
- Eligible candidates will be screened by EFSA’s units, considering the candidates’ preferences indicated in the application and their competencies.
- Shortlisted candidates are required to undergo a further assessment (e.g. telephone / online interview, recorded video interview, online test) to evaluate their suitability for the role, discuss mutual expectations and possible starting date.
- As a result of the previous assessment, candidates can be selected, rejected or placed in a reserve list for future positions.
- Successful candidates will receive a Traineeship offer, stating the starting date, the Unit in which they will be placed, the duration of the traineeship up to 12 months and the list of documents to be submitted before the start date.
EFSA plans to welcome trainees in two main intakes, according to availability and business needs: 1st May 2021 and 1st July 2021.
Please note that EFSA units can contact trainees placed in a reserve list at any time during the traineeship period, either due to last minute withdrawal of the candidate or early termination of a trainee’s traineeship.
Non-EU candidates are required to obtain the relevant VISA.
For more information on the conditions of the Traineeship scheme, you can consult the ‘Decision of the Executive Director of EFSA on traineeship at EFSA’.
If you have any questions regarding this call please contact us at traineeships@efsa.europa.eu
Please note that the ANNEX Ι represents an integral part of this call and should be consulted before completing the on-line application form.
What are the selection requirements
You must satisfy the following requirements on the closing date for submission of your application:
- Eligibility criteria
- Have obtained a university degree of at least 3 years by the closing date of applications (See Annex I for the minimum national qualifications);
- Have a good knowledge of English (minimum level: B2 according to CEFR);
- Have never been an EFSA trainee or employed by EFSA in any capacity, receiving any sort of remuneration;
- Meet the character requirements needed for the duties involved (e.g. a sworn affidavit to the effect that you have no criminal record).
- Selection criteria
- a) Experience and Knowledge
Knowledge of/ or experience in an area relating to the activities of EFSA.
- b) Competencies
- Working with others: ability to work cooperatively with others in teams and across organisational boundaries and respect differences between people;
- Analysis and Problem Solving: ability to identify the critical facts in difficult issues and develop creative and practical solutions;
iii. Drive for results: ability to take personal responsibility and initiative for delivering high quality work;
- Communication in English: ability to communicate effectively in English;
- Generate, collect and collate evidence: ability to search, gather and interpret evidence (data and information) within the remit of the unit from all relevant sources;
- Manage projects: ability to manage time, resources and information in an effective manner for the achievement of the expected project results;
vii. Communicate information to different target audiences: ability to convey complex concepts and make them understandable to the target audience.