The examination of a Turkish with Germany: Biggest Challenge in Germany: Housing
If you ask me what was the biggest Challenge in Germany I faced at the end of my four years, I would definitely say finding an accommodation. I had to experience it two times in my four years stay in Germany. The first time is naturally at my first arrival to Germany and the second one when I had to leave the student dormitory because I graduated from the university.
Biggest Challenge in Germany: Housing
Why finding a house for a long term stay is so hard in Germany?
Some big cities have a serious housing shortage because of the crowded population coming from dense demand towards the city. Berlin might be the most legendary example of the situation because of the English-speaking job opportunities to its International residents. Also, due to its geographical position located in the east, it was one of the cities that received the largest number of Ukrainian refugees from the Russian-Ukrainian War.
Is accommodation search easy in small cities?
Yes, it is relatively easier when you compare to big cities. However, the size of the city is relativistic as well. For instance, Bonn is a smaller city than Berlin, so we had more chance to get a place, but it was still hard when we compare with Hagen that is smaller than Bonn. Moreover, small cities have a reason to be small. The small cities do not have high population because they do not have too much job opportunities, so finding a finance to live or building up a career is more difficult there even if you can find an accommodation much easier.
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What are the criterias of landlords while finding a house in Germany?
As you can easily guess having a constant income is one of the most important conditions to find an accommodation in Germany. Thus, landlords are generally asking your last three payslips as a proof of constant income. Automatically we can say being employed is one of the most important criteria of finding a house, but is it enough?
Who is advantageous in finding a house in Germany?
While I was trying to find a house with my boyfriend, both us were working. We had some amount of savings in our bank accounts even though we were fresh graduates. We were visiting the apartments with a very detailed file including our passport copies, payslips, bank accounts, Schufa (a popular credit grade document in Germany used while searching apartment) and signed self disclosures. We still could not find a house more than 6 months. Sometimes we even offered to landlords three or five rent in advance payment.
Why we could not get a house for more than 6 months?
I do not want to give a direct answer to this question. I prefer to leave it to your imagination. I am also curious why we could not get a house for more than 6 months with earning salary, having enough saving in bank accounts, exposing every private information to the landlords and accepting every kind of non-sense conditions of the landlords. What are the real criterias of landlords rather than being able to pay the rent regularly? Or giving the guarantee to take care of the apartment properly? While we were even accepting to pay a ridiculous amount of money to buy their ugly second-hand furnitures why we couldn’t get a house? Do we all have equal conditions in Europe? I will be waiting for your comments and will mention more deeply about my experiences on finding a house in my next article.
StudyIngram Editor